Y gwahaniaeth rhwng diwygiadau o "Cenfetreg"

Oddi ar WICI
Neidio i: llywio, chwilio
(ychwanegu gwybodaeth hawlfraint)
B (man-newidiadau fformatio)
Llinell 19: Llinell 19:
== Llyfryddiaeth ==
== Llyfryddiaeth ==
* Beschel, R. E. (1950) Flecten als altersmasstab Rezenter morainen. Zeitschrift fur Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 1, 152-161 Yn Jomelli, V., Grancher, D., Naveau, P., Cooley, D., a Brunstein, D. 2007. Assessment study of lichenometric methods for dating surfaces.  ''Geomorphology'', 86 (1-2), 131-143.
* Beschel, R. E. (1950) Flecten als altersmasstab Rezenter morainen. Zeitschrift fur Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 1, 152–161 Yn Jomelli, V., Grancher, D., Naveau, P., Cooley, D., a Brunstein, D. 2007. Assessment study of lichenometric methods for dating surfaces.  ''Geomorphology'', 86 (1–2), 131–143.
* Carling, P. A. (1997) Sedimentology of the 1749 flood deposit in Boardman, J. gol. ''Geomorphology of the Lake District: a field guide''. British Geomorphological Research Group, Rhydychen, 23–29.
* Carling, P. A. (1997) Sedimentology of the 1749 flood deposit in Boardman, J. gol. ''Geomorphology of the Lake District: a field guide''. British Geomorphological Research Group, Rhydychen, 23–29.
* Gob, F., Petit, F., Bravard, J. –P., Ozer, A and Gob, A. (2003) Lichenometric application to historical and subrecent dynamics and sediment transport of a Corsican stream (Figarella River – France). ''Quaternary Science Reviews,'' 22 (20), 2111-2124.
* Gob, F., Petit, F., Bravard, J. –P., Ozer, A and Gob, A. (2003) Lichenometric application to historical and subrecent dynamics and sediment transport of a Corsican stream (Figarella River – France). ''Quaternary Science Reviews,'' 22 (20), 2111–2124.
* Gregory, K. J. (1976) Lichens and the determination of river channel capacity. ''Earth Surface Processes'', 1 (3), 273-285.
* Gregory, K. J. (1976) Lichens and the determination of river channel capacity. ''Earth Surface Processes'', 1 (3), 273–285.
* Harvey, A. M., Alexander, R. W., and James, P. A. (1984) Lichens, soil development and the age of Holocene valley floor landforms: Howgill Fells, Cumbria. ''Geografiska Annaler'', 66 A, 353-366.
* Harvey, A. M., Alexander, R. W., and James, P. A. (1984) Lichens, soil development and the age of Holocene valley floor landforms: Howgill Fells, Cumbria. ''Geografiska Annaler'', 66 A, 353–366.
* Innes, J. L. (1981) ‘A manual for Lichenometry’: Comment. ''Area'', 13 (3), 237-241.
* Innes, J. L. (1981) ‘A manual for Lichenometry’: Comment. ''Area'', 13 (3), 237–241.
* Innes, J. L. (1983) Lichenometric dating of debris-flow deposits in the Scottish Highlands. ''Earth Surface Processes and Landforms'', 8 (6), 579-588.
* Innes, J. L. (1983) Lichenometric dating of debris-flow deposits in the Scottish Highlands. ''Earth Surface Processes and Landforms'', 8 (6), 579–588.
* Innes, J. L. (1985) An examination of some factors affecting the largest lichens on a substrate. ''Arctic and Alpine Research'', 17 (1), 99-106.
* Innes, J. L. (1985) An examination of some factors affecting the largest lichens on a substrate. ''Arctic and Alpine Research'', 17 (1), 99–106.
* Johnson, R. M., and Warburton, J. (2002) Flooding and geomorphic impacts in a mountain torrent: Raise Beck, central Lake District, England. ''Earth Surface Processes and Landforms'', 27 (9), 945–969.
* Johnson, R. M., and Warburton, J. (2002) Flooding and geomorphic impacts in a mountain torrent: Raise Beck, central Lake District, England. ''Earth Surface Processes and Landforms'', 27 (9), 945–969.
* Locke, W. W., Andrews, J. T., and Webber, P. J.  (1980) A manual for lichenometry. Geo Abstracts Ltd for the British Geomorphological Research Group, 26, 47p.
* Locke, W. W., Andrews, J. T., and Webber, P. J.  (1980) A manual for lichenometry. Geo Abstracts Ltd for the British Geomorphological Research Group, 26, 47 pp.
* McCarthy, D. P. (1999) A biological basis for lichenometry? ''Journal of Biogeography'', 26 (2), 379-383.
* McCarthy, D. P. (1999) A biological basis for lichenometry? ''Journal of Biogeography'', 26 (2), 379–383.
* Merrett, S. P., and Macklin, M. G. (1998) Historic floods and valley floor transformation, Upper Coverdale, Yorkshire Dales. In Howard, A. J. and Macklin, M. G. (eds.). ''The Quaternary of the Eastern Yorkshire Dales: Field Guide''. The Holocene Alluvial Record. Quaternary Research Association, Llundain, 5-10.
* Merrett, S. P., and Macklin, M. G. (1998) Historic floods and valley floor transformation, Upper Coverdale, Yorkshire Dales. In Howard, A. J. and Macklin, M. G. (eds.). ''The Quaternary of the Eastern Yorkshire Dales: Field Guide''. The Holocene Alluvial Record. Quaternary Research Association, Llundain, 5–10.
* Merrett, S. P., and Macklin, M. G. (1999) Historic river response to extreme flooding in the Yorkshire Dales, northern England in Brown, A. G., and Quine, T. A. eds.  ''Fluvial processes and environmental change'', Wiley, Chichester, 345–360.
* Merrett, S. P., and Macklin, M. G. (1999) Historic river response to extreme flooding in the Yorkshire Dales, northern England in Brown, A. G., and Quine, T. A. eds.  ''Fluvial processes and environmental change'', Wiley, Chichester, 345–360.
* Milne, J. A. (1982) River channel changes in the Harthope valley, Northumberland, since 1897. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Geography, Res. Series 13, 39p.
* Milne, J. A. (1982) River channel changes in the Harthope valley, Northumberland, since 1897. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Geography, Res. Series 13, 39pp.
* Orombelli, G. and Porter, S. C. (1983) Lichen growth curves for the southern flank of the Mont Blanc Massif, western Italian Alps. ''Arctic and Alpine Research'', 15 (2), 193-200.
* Orombelli, G. and Porter, S. C. (1983) Lichen growth curves for the southern flank of the Mont Blanc Massif, western Italian Alps. ''Arctic and Alpine Research'', 15 (2), 193–200.
* Salisbury, I. G. (2009) Historic river response in the Mynydd Du, Brecon Beacons, S. Wales: Flooding and climate instability. Unpublished MSc dissertation. Aberystwyth University.
* Salisbury, I. G. (2009) Historic river response in the Mynydd Du, Brecon Beacons, S. Wales: Flooding and climate instability. Unpublished MSc dissertation. Aberystwyth University.
Llinell 53: Llinell 53:
* Shufflebottom, V. (2003) Extreme flood events in Cwm Haffes, Brecon Beacons, Wales. Unpublished BSc dissertation. University of Wales Aberystwyth.
* Shufflebottom, V. (2003) Extreme flood events in Cwm Haffes, Brecon Beacons, Wales. Unpublished BSc dissertation. University of Wales Aberystwyth.
* Webber, P. J. and Andrews, J. T. (1973) Lichenometry: a commentary. ''Arctic and Alpine Research'', 5 (4), 295-302.
* Webber, P. J. and Andrews, J. T. (1973) Lichenometry: a commentary. ''Arctic and Alpine Research'', 5 (4), 295–302.
* Winchester, V., and Chaujar, R. K. (2002) Lichenometric dating of slope movements, Nant Ffrancon, North Wales. ''Geomorphology'', 47 (1), 61-74.
* Winchester, V., and Chaujar, R. K. (2002) Lichenometric dating of slope movements, Nant Ffrancon, North Wales. ''Geomorphology'', 47 (1), 61–74.
Gellid cael mwy o wybodaeth am y rhywogaethau gwahanol o gen ar wefan [http://www.thebls.org.uk/ Cymdeithas Cen Prydain]
Gellid cael mwy o wybodaeth am y rhywogaethau gwahanol o gen ar wefan [http://www.thebls.org.uk/ Cymdeithas Cen Prydain]

Diwygiad 08:35, 15 Awst 2014

(Saesneg: lichenometry)

(Rhizocarpon geographicum), y math o gen (lichen) sy’n cael ei defnyddio fwyaf o fewn cenfetreg.
(Xanthoria elegans), un o’r cennau (lichens) cyntaf i’w defnyddio ar gyfer cenfetreg.
Cennau ar garreg fedd

Techneg ddyddio sy’n defnyddio cen i ddyddio wyneb. Mantais cenfetreg yw ei chymhwysedd eang, ei chydraniad a’i manylrwydd amseryddol uchel. Mae cenfetreg yn dechneg ddyddio sydd wedi ei defnyddio’n aml mewn nifer o sefyllfaoedd megis dyddio marian ac amgylcheddau afonol. Datblygwyd y dechneg yn bennaf gan y botanegydd a’r daearegwr Roland Beschel yn yr 1950au ar gyfer dyddio ymestyniad rhewlifol yn yr Alpau. Er i’r dechneg gael ei haddasu o’r cyfnod cynnar mae’r tyb sylfaenol yn aros sef bod perthynas yn bodoli rhwng diamedr talws y cen mwyaf sy’n tyfu ar y wyneb a’r amser mae’r wyneb wedi bod yn agored i gytrefu. Mae’r gymhareb o amser yn erbyn maint y talws yn galluogi i ni benderfynu’r gyfradd dwf.

Un dechneg yw mesur y cennau mwyaf sy’n bresennol gan fod diamedr mwyaf y talws yn dangos tyfiant y cen mewn modd mwy dibynadwy oherwydd, mewn theori, y cen mwyaf ddylai fod yr hynaf ac felly’r agosaf i’r amser pan ddyddodwyd y glogfaen. Byddai hyn yn rhoi amcangyfrif o isafswm yr amser mae’r wyneb a gytrefwyd wedi bod yn agored a sefydlog. Mae’r ffaith bod cennau ar wyneb clogfaen yn cael eu dinistrio pan fo’r glogfaen yn cael ei gludo yn ystod llifogydd, yn ein galluogi i ddeall pryd oedd y tro diwethaf i’r glogfaen gael ei gludo, drwy ddefnyddio oedran y cen hynaf sy’n bresennol. Mae problemau yn codi pan mae’r cennau yn tyfu ochr yn ochr ac yn cyfuno. Pan fo hyn yn digwydd, dylid mesur y cylchoedd arysgrifenedig mwyaf, ond os nad yw hyn yn bosibl dylid eu gwaredu gan y byddai hynny’n gwneud unrhyw benderfyniad ynghylch oedran sy’n seiliedig ar faint, yn annilys.Yn ogystal, mae llygredd aer hefyd yn peri problemau wrth i’r cen dyfu ac yn effeithio ar ddilysrwydd y dull.

Defnyddir cromlin tyfiant i gyfrifo’r berthynas rhwng diamedr un math o gen a’i oedran. Mae angen cromlin gwahanol ar gyfer rhywogaethau gwahanol. Cyfrifir y berthynas drwy gymryd mesuriadau nifer o gennau ar gerrig beddau mewn mynwentydd yng nghyffiniau’r astudiaeth. Y rheswm am hyn yw bod dyddiad ar y garreg fedd yn rhoi dyddiad penodol i faint penodol o gen. Bydd hyn yn rhoi tyfiant cyfartalog i’r holl gen a fesurwyd. Bydd maint cennau o ddyddiadau hysbys yn creu cromlin tyfiant y gellir ei defnyddio i gyfrifo dyddiad cennau ar wynebau o ddyddiadau anhysbys.

Wrth ddyddio wynebau sydd rhwng 120 a 200 mlwydd oed mae potensial cyfeiliornad rhwng ±3 a ±5 blwyddyn, ond mae hyn yn cynyddu i ±10 a ±20 blwyddyn i wynebau sydd rhwng 200 a 400 mlwydd oed.

Mae cenfetreg wedi cael ei defnyddio mewn geomorffoleg i ddyddio tirffurfiau llawr dyffryn, dyddodion cerlan, i adnabod cyfnodau cyforlan a newidiadau mewn sianeli unigol. Mae wedi cael ei defnyddio yn helaeth i ddyddio llifogydd mewn astudiaethau geomorffolegol o lifogydd hanesyddol yn uwchdiroedd Prydain. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys llif-weddillion llethr yn Nant Ffrancon (Eryri), yn An Teallach, y Cairngorms a Glencoe (Uwchdir yr Alban) ac ysgafellau clogfeini (dyddodion bras wedi eu gosod gan ddŵr) sydd yn aml wedi’u cadw mewn ffrydiau mynyddig ym Mro’r Llynnoedd, Gogledd y Pennines, Yorkshire Dales a Bannau Brycheiniog.


  • Beschel, R. E. (1950) Flecten als altersmasstab Rezenter morainen. Zeitschrift fur Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 1, 152–161 Yn Jomelli, V., Grancher, D., Naveau, P., Cooley, D., a Brunstein, D. 2007. Assessment study of lichenometric methods for dating surfaces. Geomorphology, 86 (1–2), 131–143.
  • Carling, P. A. (1997) Sedimentology of the 1749 flood deposit in Boardman, J. gol. Geomorphology of the Lake District: a field guide. British Geomorphological Research Group, Rhydychen, 23–29.
  • Gob, F., Petit, F., Bravard, J. –P., Ozer, A and Gob, A. (2003) Lichenometric application to historical and subrecent dynamics and sediment transport of a Corsican stream (Figarella River – France). Quaternary Science Reviews, 22 (20), 2111–2124.
  • Gregory, K. J. (1976) Lichens and the determination of river channel capacity. Earth Surface Processes, 1 (3), 273–285.
  • Harvey, A. M., Alexander, R. W., and James, P. A. (1984) Lichens, soil development and the age of Holocene valley floor landforms: Howgill Fells, Cumbria. Geografiska Annaler, 66 A, 353–366.
  • Innes, J. L. (1981) ‘A manual for Lichenometry’: Comment. Area, 13 (3), 237–241.
  • Innes, J. L. (1983) Lichenometric dating of debris-flow deposits in the Scottish Highlands. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 8 (6), 579–588.
  • Innes, J. L. (1985) An examination of some factors affecting the largest lichens on a substrate. Arctic and Alpine Research, 17 (1), 99–106.
  • Johnson, R. M., and Warburton, J. (2002) Flooding and geomorphic impacts in a mountain torrent: Raise Beck, central Lake District, England. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27 (9), 945–969.
  • Locke, W. W., Andrews, J. T., and Webber, P. J. (1980) A manual for lichenometry. Geo Abstracts Ltd for the British Geomorphological Research Group, 26, 47 pp.
  • McCarthy, D. P. (1999) A biological basis for lichenometry? Journal of Biogeography, 26 (2), 379–383.
  • Merrett, S. P., and Macklin, M. G. (1998) Historic floods and valley floor transformation, Upper Coverdale, Yorkshire Dales. In Howard, A. J. and Macklin, M. G. (eds.). The Quaternary of the Eastern Yorkshire Dales: Field Guide. The Holocene Alluvial Record. Quaternary Research Association, Llundain, 5–10.
  • Merrett, S. P., and Macklin, M. G. (1999) Historic river response to extreme flooding in the Yorkshire Dales, northern England in Brown, A. G., and Quine, T. A. eds. Fluvial processes and environmental change, Wiley, Chichester, 345–360.
  • Milne, J. A. (1982) River channel changes in the Harthope valley, Northumberland, since 1897. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Department of Geography, Res. Series 13, 39pp.
  • Orombelli, G. and Porter, S. C. (1983) Lichen growth curves for the southern flank of the Mont Blanc Massif, western Italian Alps. Arctic and Alpine Research, 15 (2), 193–200.
  • Salisbury, I. G. (2009) Historic river response in the Mynydd Du, Brecon Beacons, S. Wales: Flooding and climate instability. Unpublished MSc dissertation. Aberystwyth University.
  • Shufflebottom, V. (2003) Extreme flood events in Cwm Haffes, Brecon Beacons, Wales. Unpublished BSc dissertation. University of Wales Aberystwyth.
  • Webber, P. J. and Andrews, J. T. (1973) Lichenometry: a commentary. Arctic and Alpine Research, 5 (4), 295–302.
  • Winchester, V., and Chaujar, R. K. (2002) Lichenometric dating of slope movements, Nant Ffrancon, North Wales. Geomorphology, 47 (1), 61–74.

Gellid cael mwy o wybodaeth am y rhywogaethau gwahanol o gen ar wefan Cymdeithas Cen Prydain

Mae testun y cofnod hwn wedi’i ryddhau dan y drwydded Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0, sy’n eich caniatáu i’w ail-ddefnyddio a’i newid mewn unrhyw ffordd os ydych yn rhoi cydnabyddiaeth ar ffurf dolen i’r dudalen hon, ac yn trwyddedu eich fersiwn ddeilliadol yn yr un modd. Gweler testun y drwydded am ragor o fanylion.