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Dyma restr o'r holl negeseuon yn y parth MediaWici. Os ydych am gyfrannu at y gwaith o gyfieithu ar gyfer holl prosiectau MediaWiki ar y cyd, mae croeso i chi ymweld â MediaWiki Localisation a translatewiki.net.

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authform-nosession-login (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The authentication was successful, but your browser cannot "remember" being logged in. $1
authform-nosession-signup (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The account was created, but your browser cannot "remember" being logged in. $1
authform-notoken (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Missing token
authform-wrongtoken (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Wrong token
authmanager-account-password-domain (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) $1@$2
authmanager-authn-autocreate-failed (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Auto-creation of a local account failed: $1
authmanager-authn-no-local-user (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The supplied credentials are not associated with any user on this wiki.
authmanager-authn-no-primary (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The supplied credentials could not be authenticated.
authmanager-authn-not-in-progress (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Authentication is not in progress or session data has been lost. Please start again from the beginning.
authmanager-authplugin-create-fail (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The authentication plugin denied the account creation.
authmanager-authplugin-setpass-bad-domain (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Invalid domain.
authmanager-authplugin-setpass-denied (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The authentication plugin does not allow changing passwords.
authmanager-authplugin-setpass-failed-message (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The authentication plugin denied the password change.
authmanager-authplugin-setpass-failed-title (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Password change failed
authmanager-autocreate-exception (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Automatic account creation temporarily disabled due to prior errors.
authmanager-autocreate-noperm (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Automatic account creation is not allowed.
authmanager-change-not-supported (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The supplied credentials cannot be changed, as nothing would use them.
authmanager-create-disabled (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Account creation is disabled.
authmanager-create-from-login (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) To create your account, please fill in the fields below.
authmanager-create-no-primary (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) The supplied credentials could not be used for account creation.
authmanager-create-not-in-progress (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Account creation is not in progress or session data has been lost. Please start again from the beginning.
authmanager-domain-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Domain for external authentication.
authmanager-email-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Email address
authmanager-email-label (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Email
authmanager-password-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Password for authentication.
authmanager-provider-password (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Password-based authentication
authmanager-provider-password-domain (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Password- and domain-based authentication
authmanager-provider-temporarypassword (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Temporary password
authmanager-realname-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Real name of the user
authmanager-realname-label (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Real name
authmanager-retype-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Password again to confirm.
authmanager-userdoesnotexist (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) User account "$1" is not registered.
authmanager-userlogin-remembermypassword-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Whether the password should be remembered for longer than the length of the session.
authmanager-username-help (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Username for authentication.
authpage-cannot-create (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Unable to start account creation.
authpage-cannot-create-continue (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Unable to continue account creation. Your session most likely timed out.
authpage-cannot-login (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Unable to start login.
authpage-cannot-login-continue (Sgwrs) (Cyfieithu) Unable to continue login. Your session most likely timed out.
Tudalen gyntaf
Tudalen olaf